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    发布人: 时间:2023-03-21 点击量 :


    性别:男                                                                                           籍贯:河南濮阳

    职称:副教授、硕导                                                                      Email: 151790353@qq.com


    2018/012022/05University of Wyoming,水文地质,博士






    2014/082014/09Los Alamos National Lab,访问学者

    2012/102017/12University of Wyoming,博士后

    2011/102012/09Tokyo Polytechnic UniversityGCOE研究员


    [1]    地下水超采

    [2]    地下水污染物迁移

    [3]    正演与反演模型

    [4]    地表水与地下水交换机制

    [5]    大气边界层

    [6]    大涡数值模拟


    [1]   美国自然科学基金, EAR-1702078A new inverse theory for joint parameter and boundary conditions estimation to improve characterization of deep formations and leakage monitoring2018/01-2021/12

    [2]   美国自然科学基金,EPS-1208909Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics2014/07-2017/12

    [3]   美国怀俄明州基金,B2018014The development of a new subsurface simulation theory for environmental and energy applications2012.10-2014.06


    [1]   美国地球物理学会会员



    [1]     Wang, W., Chen, P., Dueker, K., Zhang, Y., Lee, E. J., Mu, D., ... &Jiao, J. (2021). Coevolution of weathering front and water table. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(20), e2021GL092916.

    [2]     Jiao, J., Zhang, Y., & Wang, L. (2019). A new inverse method for contaminant source identification under unknown solute transport boundary conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 577, 123911.

    [3]     Wang, W., Chen, P., Keifer, I., Dueker, K., Lee, E. J., Mu, D., Jiao, J.,&Carr, B. (2019). Weathering front under a granite ridge revealed through full-3D seismic ambient-noise tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 509, 66-77.

    [4]     Flinchum, B. A., Holbrook, W. S., Grana, D., Parsekian, A. D., Carr, B. J., Hayes, J. L., &Jiao, J. (2018). Estimating the water holding capacity of the critical zone using nearsurface geophysics. Hydrological Processes, 32(22), 3308-3326.

    [5]     Jianying Jiao, Ye Zhang, Jianting Zhu (2017), Direct Hydraulic Parameter and Function Estimation for Diverse Soil Types Under Infiltration and Evaporation, Transport in Porous Media, 116(2), 797823, DOI: 10.1007/s11242-016-0801-0.

    [6]     Jiao, J.,& Zhang, Y. (2016). Direct Method of Hydraulic Conductivity Structure Identification for Subsurface Transport Modeling. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 04016033

    [7]     Jiao, J.,& Zhang, Y. (2016). Multiscale subgrid models of large eddy simulation for turbulent flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 26(5).

    [8]     Jiao, J.,& Zhang, Y. (2015). Functional parameterization for hydraulic conductivity inversion with uncertainty quantification. Hydrogeology Journal,23(3), 597-610.

    [9]     Jiao, J., & Zhang, Y. (2014). A method based on local approximate solutions (LAS) for inverting transient flow in heterogeneous aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 514, 145-149.

    [10]  Jiao, J., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Two-dimensional physical-based inversion of confined and unconfined aquifers under unknown boundary conditions. Advances in Water Resources, 65, 43-57.


    [1]  Ye Zhang, Jianying Jiao, JurajIrsa,System and method of using the same,美国,10309812