性别:男 籍贯:河南信阳
职称:副教授、博导 Email:luohuan@ctgu.edu.cn
2017/09-2020/12,Texas A&M University,College Station,土木工程,博士
[1] 钢筋混凝土结构非线性地震分析
[2] 数据驱动计算
[3] 人工智能和机器学习
[4] 风险量化
[5] 优化计算
[1] 美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)结构工程专业委员会委员
[1] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2023). A novel outlier-insensitive local support vector machine for robust data-driven forecasting in engineering. Engineering with Computers, Springer, 1-19.
[2] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2023). A data‐free, support vector machine‐based physics‐driven estimator for dynamic response computation. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Wiley,38(1), 26-48.
[3] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2022). Data-driven seismic response prediction of structural components. Earthquake Spectra, 38(2), 1382-1416.
[4] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2022). Artificial intelligence-enhanced seismic response prediction of reinforced concrete frames. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 52, 101568.
[5] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2021). Reducing the effect of sample bias for small data sets with double‐weighted support vector transfer regression. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Wiley, 36(3), 248-263.
[6] Luo, H.,& Paal, S. G. (2021). Advancing post-earthquake structural evaluations via sequential regression-based predictive mean matching for enhanced forecasting in the context of missing data. Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier, 47, 101202.
[7] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2021). Metaheuristic least squares support vector machine-based lateral strength modelling of reinforced concrete columns subjected to earthquake loads. Structures, Elsevier,33, 748-758.
[8] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2019). A locally weighted machine learning model for generalized prediction of drift capacity in seismic vulnerability assessments. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Wiley, 34(11), 935-950.
[9] Luo, H., & Paal, S. G. (2018). Machine learning–based backbone curve model of reinforced concrete columns subjected to cyclic loading reversals. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,ASCE, 32(5), 04018042.
[10] 骆欢,杜轲,孙景江,丁宝荣. (2018).小跨高比钢筋混凝土连梁非线性剪切滞回和分析模型研究[J]. 工程力学, 35(9): 161-169,179.
[11] 骆欢,杜轲,孙景江,丁宝荣. (2017). 联肢剪力墙非线性分析模型研究及数值模拟验证[J]. 工程力学,34(4):140-149+159.
[12] 骆欢,杜轲,孙景江,许卫晓,丁宝荣. (2017). 地震作用下钢筋混凝土框架结构倒塌全过程振动台试验研究[J]. 建筑结构学报, 38(12):49-56.