性别:男 籍贯:湖北宜昌
职称:教授、博导 Email:Zliao@torontomu.ca;zaiyilao@qq.com
2022/09-至今, 湖北泰和集团泰和建筑科学研究院,院长
1995/05-1998/08,香港 CIPONIC 科技公司高级产品设计工程师
本科:《Architectural Science: Design Thesis》《Sustainable Environment Control》《Bodily Comfort System》《Architecture Option Studio》(China Studio)
研究生:《Energy Efficient Building Services》、《Ecological Design》
[1] 建筑科学与设备工程
[2] 建筑动态性能计算机模拟
[3] 建筑自动化与信息模型
[4] 建筑火灾的计算机模拟
[5] 建筑室内空气质量
[6] 建筑与城市的智能传感与控制仪器
[7] 模糊数学与神经网络的理论及其在建筑控制中的应用
[8] 声波技术及其在 PCCP 安全监测中的应用
[1] 浙江省绍兴市创新领军计划 (2021-2026 年)
[2] NSERC-OCI Alliance (2021), “An Innovative Building Envelope System Based on Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) for Affordable and High-performance Housing”
[3] 加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会(NSERC),DISCOVERY 计划,资助“下一代建筑热工模拟方法”
[4] 班夫亭重建计划 (2017 年至 2022 年)- 支持班夫亭重建的研究及设计
[5] 加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会(NSERC),ENGAGE 计划,资助“优化 BIPV 设计”
[6] 加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会(NSERC),DISCOVERY 计划,资助“用于优化建筑自动化控制的推算传感器和控制策略”
[7] 加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会(NSERC),RTI 计划,资助“建筑在线 模拟系统”
[8] 欧盟,SAVE II 计划(2002 年至 2004 年),资助“SMART ACCELERATE:加速智能建筑技术工业应用的方法”
[9] 欧盟,JOURLE 计划 (1999 年至 2001 年),资助“INTECOM – 集成式控制策略: 节省能源和改善室内舒适度”
[10]欧盟,CRAFT 计划(1999 年至 2001 年),资助“提高供热系统中燃油或燃气的控制”
[11]英国政府 DTI 科研资助计划 (2001 年至 2004 年), 资助“SIS: 系统整合策略”
[12]英国人工环境基金 (2001 年至 2004 年), 资助“供热系统中锅炉控制器的自动参数调制”
[13]美国联合科技资助科研项目(1997 年至 1999 年),中国住宅的热工模拟及能源研究
[1] ASHRAE 会员
[2] 加拿大注册工程师 (Professional Engineer of Canada:PENG)
[3] 加拿大国家自然科学与工程研究(NSERC)基金评审专家
[4] 香港科研资助局(RGC)评审专家
[5] 俄罗斯政府新欧亚基金评审专家
[6] 哈萨克斯坦自然科学基金评审专家
[7] 《IEEE Communication Letters》《Building and Environment》《Automation in Construction》,《Energy and Buildings》等期刊审稿人
[8] 安大略注册工程师专业考试试题设计专家
[1] 2021/06-2022/05, 作为团队核心成员成功运作远见集团在纳斯达克上市,同年获得英国女王白金禧奖章
[2] 2001/10-2004/01, FBE (Foundation for the Built Environment, UK) Managed Funding for PhD study in Oxford
[3] 1988/09-20010/9, 香港理工大学博士奖学金
[1] Philip McKeen, Zaiyi Liao (2023), The Effect of Open Doors on Smoke Spread in the Stairwell Shaft of High-Rise Buildings, Building Simulation (Revision) (IF: 2.472)
[2] Dagmawi Degefu, Zaiyi Liao, Umberto Berardi, Grey Labbe (2023), Geopolymer Concrete for Net-Zero Buildings: Correlating Paste Chemistry with Monolith Hygrothermal Performance, Journal of “Resources, Conservation and Recycling”, Vol 189, Feb 2023, 106743 (IF: 12.68)
[3] Philip McKeen, Zaiyi Liao (2023), Predicting Residential Fire Plumes and Heat Transfer Flux on Facades, Fire Safety Journal (Revision) (IF: 2.295)
[4] Philip McKeen, Zaiyi Liao (2022), Numerical analysis on the hazards of open stairwell doors in high-rise residential buildings, Building Engineering 54(2022) 104561
[5] Khaled Khaled, Umberto Berardi, Zaiyi Liao (2022), Energy modeling and saving potential of polymeric solar-responsive thermochromic window films, Solar Energy, 244 (2022) 84-103
[6] Dagmawi Mulugeta Degefu, Zaiyi Liao, Umberto Berardi (2022), The Dependence of Thermophysical and Hygroscopic Properties of Macro-porous Geopolymers on Si/Al, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2022 (IF: 3.531)
[7] Philip McKeen, Zaiyi Liao (2022), The influence of airtightness on contaminant spread in multiple-unit residential buildings in cold climates, Building Simulation (2022) 15:249-264, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-021-0787-6, (IF: 2.472)
[8] Dagmawi Mulugeta Degefu, Zaiyi Liao, Umberto Berardi, Greg Labbe (2021), The Effect of Activator Ratio on the Thermal and Hygric Properties of Aerated Geopolymers, Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2021) 103414, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103414 (IF: 5.318)
[9] Yaoying Huang, Qian Ding, Yu Wang, Zaiyi Liao, and Xiaohui Yin, Evolution of Thermal Parameters of Wet-screened Dam Concrete after Different Freeze-Thaw Deterioration, Structural Concrete, 07/2021, https://doiorg.ezproxy.lib.ryerson.ca/10.1002/suco.202000832(IF: 3.131)
[10]Philip McKeen, Zaiyi Liao (2021), The Impact of Horizontal Projections on Lateral Fire Spread in Multiple-Unit Residential Buildings – Comparison of Numerical and Similarity Correlations, Fire Safety Journal, 126 (2021) 103441, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103441 (IF: 2.764)
[11]Dagmawi Mulugeta Degefu, Zaiyi Liao, Umberto Berardi, Huu Doan, Salient Parameters Affecting the Performance of Foamed Geopolymers as Sustainable Insulating Materials, Construction and Building Materials, 313(2021) 125400, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125400) (IF: 6.141)
[12]Dagmawi Mulugeta Degefu, Zaiyi Liao (2021), Photocatalytic Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Nanocomposite of P-type and N-type Transition Metal Semiconductors, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2021) 98:605-614 (IF: 1.986)
[13]Mohamed Gamaleldin, Zaiyi Liao, Mohammed Asfour, Lian Zhao (2021), Optimizing The Egress Route Using a New Smoke Emulator IoT System, IEEE Internet of Things Journal dti: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3056675 (IF: 11.705)
[14]E Konroyd-Bolden, Z Liao (2015), Thermal Window Insulation, Energy and Buildings, Volume 109, Issue 15 December 2015, pp 245-254
[1] S Jassar, Z Liao, L Zhao (2010), Data Quality in ANFIS Based Soft Sensor Sensors, in Machine Learning and System Engineering, pp 143-155, Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-9418-6, 2010。
[2] Thomas Behan, Zaiyi Liao, Lian Zhao, “Integer Neural Networks On Embedded Systems”, Advanced Technologies (Book Title), intechweb.org..
[1] Zaiyi Liao, A Intelligent Control Technology to Optimize the performance of Heating Sytems, PCT/GB03/00994, March 7, 2022 International Publication Number: WO 03/074943 A1 World Intellectual Property Organization;
[2] Y Liu, Z Liao, Y Lei, Y Zhou, C Zhao, J Chen, X Wu, Y Xu, P S (2015) A new technology for integrated treatment of greywater, black-water for application in the rural areas of China Patent number: ZL 2014 1 0099774.4 Patent filed on: March 18, 2014 Patent granted on: May 27, 2015 Patent granted by: The State Intellectual Property Office, the People’s Republic of China Patent Certificate Number: 1677131